Our Education & Workshop Sessions
The content of each workshop is tailored to focus on acting, theatrical history or the specific requirements of the audience.
Workshops include:
The Playwright – style and plays
Specific Texts – analysis & appreciation
Periods in Theatre History
Theatre Practitioners
Style Workshops e.g. pantomime, physical theatre, mask, comedy, ensemble playing

Acting Workshops
Hunting for clues, building a character, sustaining a role, mastering stagecraft, rehearsal practices
Teacher Specific
Creating a KS3 curriculum
Writing a scheme of work – GCSE+
Effective use of VOICE for teachers
Directing the school production
Choreography for beginners – or, how to stage a musical number without stress!
Shakespeare for Primary Schools
Using Drama to explore poetry
Directing young actors
Devising theatre
For further details on current workshops or to discuss bespoke workshops and projects, contact us.